La Rabbia – Aiding Our Own Destruction

5,00 €
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La Rabbia is a London-based punk band merging the classic 77/82 sounds. Think a blend of Crass, Crisis, The Mob, Eater and Wire. La Rabbia features members of Miscalculations, Warren Schoenbright, and The Gaggers.
La Rabbia is the soundtrack to an age consumed by paranoid and fear.

Ltd. 100 including an exclusive pin!

1. Teeth and Tongue
2. The Age of Waste
3. Symbolic Gestures
4. Morally Barren
5. Arbitrary Victim
6. La Vescica Piange
7. La Medaglia Che Non Arruginisce
8. Amputated Spirits
9. Stockholm Syndrome
10. Proposed Solution
11. Sleepwalkers into the Abyss / Siamo Soli

12. Eternal Vigilance
13. Hanging Foul in the Air
14. Maledetto dalla Debolezza
15. La Croce Vivente
16. La Tua Intera Esistenza è Ena Commedia
17. Stares That Leave Scars
18. Abbandonati dalle Promesse di Ieri
19. The Value Destroyed by Bad Intent
20. Bruciando Soldi / Guadagnando Soldi
21. Doubting the Accuracy of my Senses
22. Your Existence is a Burden

Hersteller:Tape Or DieManteuffelstr. 10810999 BerlinGermany