Trenchkoat - Pulling the plug on humanity
The debut from this London/Freiburg hardcore punk band grabs you kicking and screaming into the depths of their dark and twisted world. Like the opener states you are relentlessly bludgeoned with blunt force trauma. The vocals are unleashed with venom and spit like a hellhound frothing at the mouth. Thunderous drums, thick basslines, and nasty riffs bring you closer to the lurker in the dark. The lead guitar slashes through each track like the grim reapers scythe allowing this monster of a record to shine and adding some light to this blackened punk onslaught. For reference start with some nasty hardcore, chuck in a sprinkling of classic NWOBH and garnish with some KBD punk and you have a meal that will keep your hunger at bay.
FFO – Bootlicker, Hellhammer, Angel Witch, Chain Whip, Motorhead, The Dogs.
Ltd. 100, Button included!
1. Blunt Trauma
2. Nightmare Factory
3. Acid Rain
4. Dismantle The Machine
5. Room Lurker
6. Death Simulation
7. Out Of The Darkness
8. Basement Naplam
9. Mediocrity Matrix
10. Moral Tormentor
11. Grudge Holder
12. Brutal Authority
13. Digging A Hole For Eternity
14. Mediocrity Matrix (Demo)
15. Nightmare Factory (Demo)
16. Blunt Trauma (Demo)